
  • All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound? 
  • A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. ~ General Patton 
  • A closed mouth gathers no foot.
  • A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. ~ Emo Phillips
  • A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a Unicorn. 
  • According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are worthless. 
  • All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly aurifers. 
  • Almost all good computer programs contain at least one random-number generator. 
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke 
  • Becoming an overnight success usually takes years. 
  • Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum. 
  • Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. ~ Pablo Picasso 
  • Creativity is no substitute for knowing what you are doing. 
  • Gentlemen, you can't fight here. This is the war room. 
  • Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked.
  • He who hesitates is last. 
  • I think; therefore I am confused. 
  • I would only believe in a god who could dance. ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  • If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess. ~ Rod Michael
  • It is fruitless to become lachrymal over precipitately departed lacteal fluid. 
  • I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. ~ Yogi Berra 
  • If I should return in my absence, kindly detain me until I get back. 
  • If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. ~ Steven Wright 
  • In Africa the tusks are too firmly rooted, but in Alabama the Tuscaloosa. 
  • In communism Man exploits Man. In capitalism it's the other way around. 
  • It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. ~ Shakespeare, Macbeth 
  • It's a small world, but I'd hate to have to paint it. ~ Steven Wright 
  • It's deja vu all over again. 
  • Just be glad you don't get all the government you pay for. -Will Rogers 
  • Learning to shrug is the beginning of wisdom.
  • Members of an avian species of identical plumage congregate. 
  • No jaggies! 
  • Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. ~ Confucius
  • Scintillate, scintillate, aster minific. 
  • Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Pop up! Push Down! Byte, byte, byte! 
  • Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn. ~ Benjamin Franklin
  • The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. ~ Socrates
  • The pearl the squirrel the girl hit bit split. 
  • The three laws of physics: f=ma; things fall down; you can't push a rope. 
  • There's a time and a place for spontaneity. 
  • Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana. 
  • Verb is not a verb. Verb is a noun.
  • We have met the enemy, and he is us. -Walt Kelly 
  • We want no foreign rulers -- fight the metric system. 
  • What did you throw that book I wanted to be read to out of about Down Under out for? 
  • When the map and the terrain disagree, trust the terrain. -Swiss army aphorism 
  • You can observe a lot just by watching. ~ Yogi Berra 

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